Saturday May 20th: Letter-writing for Edward Poindexter


Join us and MXGM Philly for a joint virtual letter-writing event on Saturday, May 20th at 4pm. We’ll be writing cards for political prisoner Ed Poindexter and addressing his urgent medical release campaign.

Ed Poindexter was sentenced to life in prison, along with his former co-defendant Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa who died in prison due to medical neglect, allegedly for murder of an Omaha cop when a suitcase containing dynamite exploded in a North Omaha home on August 17, 1970. According to radio journalist Michael Amdor (who would go on to become a lawyer and a judge) the police immediately assumed the Omaha Black Panthers (called the National Committee to Combat Fascism) were responsible for the bombing. Police wanted to raid their headquarters within hours of the blast, but were dissuaded because there was no probable cause to accuse the NCCF.

The “Nebraska 2” case was, and continues to be, very controversial. Ed and Mondo had been targeted by the FBI’s COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program), which operated against and infiltrated anti-war and civil rights groups, including the Omaha Black Panthers. Ed and Mondo insisted they never manufactured a bomb, and so much evidence has come to light since their convictions to corroborate their story that Amnesty International and the Lincoln NAACP have called for their release, or for a new trial. The state’s parole board recommended them for release, but they have been denied multiple times.

Mondo died in prison of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on March 11, 2016, after being incarcerated from ages 23 to 69 and asserting his innocence for 46 years. Ed has diabetes and receives dialysis six days a week. He underwent triple bypass heart surgery in 2016. After several falls, he chooses to use a wheelchair. He has a cataract in one eye that makes it difficult for him to read. The Nebraska Department of Corrections does not plan to allow him to have surgery because “he has one good eye.” Last month, Ed’s left leg was amputated below the knee due to lack of proper medical care. His family was not even notified before the surgery. We can honor Mondo by continuing to fight for the release of Ed!

Supporters have organized an urgent medical release campaign running through May 30th, so that Ed can be released to receive proper medical care. After more than 50 years in prison, Ed should be released to live the rest of his life outside of prison with his family! His niece Ericka is now 52 years old and was an infant when Ed was targeted, stolen from his home, jailed, framed, and railroaded. Watch the moving, recent video plea of Ed's niece and sister.

This event will take place on Zoom: passcode 591101 (more info here). We’ll be discussing Ed’s case, writing him solidarity cards, and writing letters/emails to the targets of the urgent medical action campaign. If you cannot make the event, send Ed some love at the address below.

Note: It must be in large print or typed with 18 point or larger font and the envelope should be addressed in large print so Ed can read it.

Edward Poindexter #27767
Reception and Treatment Center
P.O. Box 22800
Lincoln, NE 68542-2800

We’ll also encourage sending birthday cards for U.S.-held political prisoners with birthdays in May and June: Xinachtli (May 11th), Kojo Bomani Sababu (May 27th), and Gage Halupowski (June 29th).